When Health information exchange is mentioned, it refers to mobilization of healthcare information across organizations that are within a single hospital system, within a community, or even within a region. The electronic medical records (EMRs) that are captured are electronically moved via an electronic platform across different healthcare information systems.
The health information exchange is meant to simplify the process involved in of accessing and also retrieving all clinical data. Through healthcare information exchange, patient care becomes safer, faster, adequate, timely, and effective. Health information exchange affords many details and instructions convening the patient. Medial professionals deliver their treatments instructions concerning a patient through this method. A computer comes in handy in ensuring that details of the information are exchangeable and also made accessible via a computerized medical professional order entry.
When it comes to meeting high standards as pertains to patient care and treatment, the system of information exchange comes in handy in assisting physicians, medics, laboratories and hospitals in achieving this goal.Collaboration with one another is done electronically for the enhanced continued care of the needy patient. To all patients who are under divers treatment regimens, it is an added advantage to access this medical information. Electronic Medical Records' Integration makes it possible to access and use medical information pertaining a specific patient which information is very crucial for proper diagnosis and ultimate treatment and this a very practical advantage to the patient and their caregivers.
The hie benefits are not limited to increased collaboration and also communication. There are glaring and shouting reductions in treatment costs. Using Health Information Exchange will permanently address the duplicate tests. There will actually be no need to incur the cost of fax, mail printing, scanning or even phone calls to verify delivery when using Health Information Exchange.When all these expense reductions are put together, they are estimated to be equal to $17,160 in annual reduction expenses. Livelihoods can be largely improved by this money if put to proper use and investment.It can indeed be used to equip laboratories and buy other modern equipment.
What makes hies simpler is the emergence of up to the task organizations designing and installing the Electronic Medical Records interface between and across hospitals and the medical professionals office. This is a very complex process that requires a professional for the development and installing of the software. The reason for this is because there is an already existing EMR system which must be integrated into the new system.
To know more about health, visit this website at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_health_sciences.